Monday 21 December 2009

The 'First day back is always the worst...' Competition Winners Post!

The worst thing about having a really nice week off work is that the first day back will always be even more of a pain to endure. It could be worse though, actually... no it couldn't... :o(

This morning may be hell on earth for me but hopefully it won't be so bad for the following people. Yep, we've got a lot of competition winners to get through...

'Zombies: A Record of the Year of Infection'

Gavin Staniforth, Scunthorpe, UK
Christopher Bell, Telford, UK
Alison Serdet, Chichester, UK

'Imager's Challenge' - L.E. Modesitt jr

Kermit Crissey, Buffalo, USA

'Black Blood' - John Meaney

Pat Connors, New Hampshire, US

'Titanicus' - Dan Abnett

Esther Shchory, Israel
David Vickerstaff, Plymouth, UK
Francesca Prosser, Stowmarket, UK
Ryan Chow, Singapore
Antonis Matakos, Greece

Well done guys! Your books are on their way although you might need to give them a little while longer to reach you (Christmas mail and all that...)

Better luck next time everyone else, I've got a couple of giveaways lined up for just after Christmas so keep an eye open for those...


  1. Just got my email - what a lovely surprise.


  2. Brill! Really wanted this so I'm well happy :)

  3. Thanks for letting me know that I was lucky enough to be a winner!! What a lovely treat just before Christmas! :)

  4. I'm also joining the shared joy of being a winner! This is the first ever giveaway contest I win (and I have entered many until now) so this is a unique surprise and at the perfect season to get it! Thanks a lot!

  5. Hey guys! I too just received the email (: This is such a pleasant surprise to prelude a Christmas I'm sure will be great! Thanks Graeme again for having this awesome blog and holding all the great competitions!

  6. Oh man in my haste to post this i forgot to leave my name (:

  7. Woohoo - I'm a winner - thanks so much for posting this competition. I'm really looking forward to reading my new book as a relaxing bedtime read! :-)

  8. This arrived in the mail today. The day before Christmas. It was a nice surprise. Thank you!


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