Friday 20 November 2009

Which Cover Would You Go For? 'My Dead Body' (Charlie Huston)

Every now and then different publishers will send me the same book. I’m not going to read the same book twice (although I am reading ‘The Gathering Storm’ and listening to the audiobook right now…) but I do like to try and give both books a nod so… the US versus UK cover art posts were born!

This time round it’s the turn of Charlie Huston’s ‘My Dead Body’, Del Rey published this back in September (you can read my review over here) and the Orbit edition will be on the shelves around the beginning of December. Lets take a look at those covers…

Here’s the US cover,

And here’s the UK cover,

Now, the ‘Joe Pitt’ US covers have been growing on me but the UK covers have been consistently superior (as far as I’m concerned) and it doesn’t stop now. Silhouettes are cool, red silhouettes are even better! Are the red ones the vampires or the regular humans? Who knows…? There’s not a fang in site either and yet you just know that there are vampires involved.

Don’t get me wrong, both covers are cool but the UK cover edges it for this reader. What about you guys though? What do you think? US or UK cover? What has been interesting, so far, is that the ‘cover art balance’ hasn’t been all about the UK covers winning every time. Where has the US cover art picked up it's bad reputation from?


  1. Count me in with the UK cover. I just don't think I'm a huge fan of pictures of actual people on novels.

  2. The US cover appeals to me more...

    Strange but I start to see more and more US covers looking better than the UK versions lately.

  3. I too am leaning more towards the US cover.

  4. I love the UK covers they're gorgeous, and inf fact love this series, teh Joe Pitt novels are great, last one I read was Half the Blood of Brooklyn which was awesome!



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