Monday 23 November 2009

The Monday Morning 'I've got my umbrella back!' Competition Winners Post

There is nothing quite like the feeling of finding an old and trusty umbrella that you thought had been lost on the tube, especially when it is tipping it down outside. No getting wet for me this morning! :o)
In other news, Blogger has decided that scheduling posts is far too much hassle and the support guys aren't taking a lot of notice either. I'm now wondering if Wordpress might be a viable alternative, does anyone else use this? Is it easy to use and can you schedule posts on it?

Anyway, back to the whole point of this post (competition winners and all that). The winners for last week's round of competitions were...

'The Cardinal's Blades' - Pierre Pevel
Amy Hobbs, Norwich, UK
John Robson, Gateshead, UK
Simon Moore, York, UK

'The Templar Magician' - Paul Doherty
June Jowers, Carmathenshire, UK
Martin Schjerning, Arnhem, Netherlands
Hayley Williams, Cardiff, UK

Well done guys! Your books are on their way... Better luck next time everyone else. Which reminds me... When entering a competition, all I need from you is your name and mailing address. If you want to include your phone number and date of birth... well, that's up to you but I don't use that information at all.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graeme,

    Thank you very much for the prize. I am looking forward to reading it.

    Simon Moore


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