Monday 16 November 2009

Michael Moorcock to write Doctor Who story for the BBC.

After my posts about tie-in fiction last week, it turns out that Michael Moorcock will be writing a Doctor Who novel for the BBC. I'm a fan of Moorcock's fantasy/sci-fi as well as being a fan of Doctor Who as well, this could well be the ideal combination for me...


  1. Excellent news : ) This may be one tie-in worth a look at. Im pretty new to Moorcock, just finished his Von Bek books this very morning. Some of best fantasy Ive read in ages. Starting his Elric stories this afternoon ( not the book you reviewed, i found a cheaper omnibus of his stories on amazon, im poor me : ) Cant believe Moorcock's stuff missed my radar for so long .....

  2. I haven't read all his stuff but what I have read is very good, glad you're enjoying it! :o)


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