Sunday 29 November 2009

Giveaway! 'Small Miracles' (Edward Lerner)

Here's one that is sat near the top of the pile and I hope to get to it very soon. Take a look at the blurb...

Garner Nanotechnology is developing nanotech-enhanced protective suits and autonomous first-aid nanobots. It’s cutting-edge stuff, and when it saves Brent Cleary from a pipeline explosion that killed hundreds, the Army takes notice.

Near-death experience changes a person, so no one is entirely surprised when easy-going Brent turns somber and studious, focused and cold. Not at first. But Kim O’Donnell, Brent’s best friend, cannot get past some of the changes. This just isn’t her friend, and she wonders what’s gotten into him.

With an Army field trial imminent and the company’s future at stake, possible nanotech side effects aren’t something anyone wants to discuss. The bad news is, Kim’s right. Something has gotten into Brent – and he isn’t the only one changing.

If Kim can’t stop them … maybe we’ll all change...

Looks interesting... fancy winning a copy? Thanks to Tor, I have one copy of 'Small Miracles' to give away to one lucky reader (US and Canadian entries only though). To enter, just drop me an email (address in the top right hand corner) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do the rest :o)

I'll let this one run until the 6th of December and will announce the winner on the 7th...

Good Luck!


  1. This one looks good. Glad I checked your post today.

  2. I'd love to have a copy of the book....Stacy

  3. I appear to be the lucky winner! How fantastic; looks like a good one...


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