Saturday 7 November 2009

Giveaway! 'The Gathering Storm' (Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson)

Here's a book that a lot of people have been eagerly waiting for. If you haven't got yourself a copy already then here's a chance to pick one up for the princely sum of... nothing! :o) That's right, thanks to Orbit I have three copies of 'The Gathering Storm' to give away to three readers of the blog. Here's the thing though, this competition is only open to UK readers, I've been reliably informed that 'The Gathering Storm' is a huge book capable of grounding flights etc due to it's excessive weight... Let's leave it to a postman to carry then :o)

Enough rambling though! If you're still with me then you'll know that entering this competition is as easy as, well... entering all the other competitions here. Simply drop me an email telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do everything else.

I'll let this one run until the 15th of November and will announce the winners on the 16th.

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. D'oh. I was so amped to be in on this, I mailed before I saw UK only.


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