Tuesday 27 October 2009

'Saw' All-Nighter at the BFI (Who fancies some free tickets)

I've always meant to check out the 'Saw' films but life has managed to conspire to stop me every time I've come close... This weekend, for example, the BFI are showing all the 'Saw' films back to back (at the IMAX) but we've got visitors who I really don't think would be up for a journey into the twisted mind of a psychotic killer. Oh well, there's always next time.

For those of you who are up for this, here's the info from the site...

Sat 31 Oct, 23.15

Come to the BFI IMAX this Halloween for a marathon fright fest as we screen all six Saw films back to back, including the newly released Saw VI. Descend into the horrifying world of the Jigsaw Killer and follow his path of terror as he tests his victims to frightening extremes.

There will be free tea and coffee available during the breaks and the bar will be open until the last film starts.

*Please note that 35mm presentations only fill part of the giant screen

Now, you can book tickets by simply clicking Here but the nice folk at the BFI offered me a pair of free tickets to give away so don't click on that link just yet. How do you fancy some free tickets? Here's what you need to do...

1) You need to be either living in London or able to get down on the Saturday night.
2) Drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and whether you want both tickets or just the one. I'm cool with either. You don't need to give me a mailing address this time, the ticket(s) will be waiting for you at the door.

I'm after a quick turn around on this one (the films are showing on Saturday) so I'm only letting this one run until this Thursday night. I'll announce the winner(s) on Friday morning and get everything sorted.

Good Luck!


  1. Hah. He's on a tricycle right? I've seen bits of the Saw movies here and there. But, ever since I saw that youtube video where this guy dressed up as Saw attempts to ride his tricycle down a hall and ends up breaking the thing and falling on his butt.

  2. I would rather drink a bucket of my own vomit than go and see this torture porn.

    Erm, no I'm not a huge fan.


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