Monday 19 October 2009

A Monday Morning 'Competition Winners' Post...

Happy Monday everyone! :o) Aren't you so glad that even though the weekend is over you have an extra day off..? Hang on, that's me! Oh well, hopefully Monday isn't treating the rest of you too badly. It's being particularly nice to the following people who won last weekend's competitions...

'Unseen Academicals'

Susan Petrey, Lafayette, USA
Stephanie Gardner, London, UK
Gaspar Garção, Portugal

'Suicide Kings' (Advance Copies)

Betty Rood, Alabama, USA
Tim Mulcock, Rochester, New York

'The Sad Tale of the Brother's Grossbart'

Marjorie Taylor, Trowbridge, UK
Sam Findlay, Nottingham, UK
Michael Amouyal, Paris, France

Well done everyone! Your books are on their way even as we speak...
Better luck next time everyone else... (come back either tomorrow or Saturday for another chance to win a book!)


  1. Yes Yes Yes ! Thank you so much for the book ! I'm a so looking forward to reading it !

  2. Yes, i won!!!
    Many, many thanks to Graeme and his most excelent blog.
    Third time winning's the charm, but this time i wont be needing any introduction to the book i won (last time it was Heart-Shaped Box, by Joe hill, a masterpiece). I'm the proud owner of all Discworld novels, in english, except this one, and that'll be rapidly fixed. The fact that i'm a football buff is just a bonus... :)

  3. This is fantastic! Thank you Graeme! This is the first book I have ever won in one of these contests! Very cool!

  4. Thank you :-D

    I'm really looking forward to reading this and I know my fiancee will too.

    Congratulations to the other winners!

  5. Thank You! I'm really looking for ward to receiving and reading this, and beming familiar with a new (to me) author.

  6. YAY! I won! Thank you so much for this, i look forward to reading it!


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