Monday 5 October 2009

'Legend' Competition - The Winners!

Good Morning Everyone!

Are we all glad that it's Monday once again? I didn't think so... Hang on though, there are at least two people who are glad, that it's Monday, because they're about to find out that they won copies of the 25th Anniversary edition of David Gemmell's 'Legend'. The two lucky winners were...

Don van Rens, The Netherlands
Iain Coull, Runcorn, UK

Well done guys! Your books are on their way ;o)
Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. Fantastic - This is still one of my top 3 books ever and my copy has been read to death - can take pride of place now!



  2. Awesome - First book prize ever^^
    Can't wait to see what Druss has in store for me.
    Thx Graeme and Orbit!



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