Monday 12 October 2009

Giveaway! 'Suicide Kings'

I'm due to be a very busy person today, what with one thing and another, so no reviews today I'm afraid (the winners for the Terry Pratchett & Charlie Huston competitions have been picked and will be announced later on). I'm sure you guys won't mind me leaving you with this in the meantime though... ;o)

Thanks to Tor, I have two advance copies of the latest 'Wild Cards' collection, 'Suicide Kings', to give away to readers from the US and Canada (who are the only people allowed to enter, sorry about that everyone else...) I've very much enjoyed the last two books and am looking forward to getting into this one real soon!

Entering is as easy as ever. Simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do the rest.

I'll be leaving this one open until the 18th of October and will announce the winners on the 19th.

Good Luck!


  1. More European giveaway please! :)
    Thanks for organizing them! :)

  2. BetweenTwoBooks - I'm at the mercy of the publishers here, there should be a little something for everyone though ;o)

  3. These look like great reads! Hope I win


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