Saturday 10 October 2009

Giveaway! 'The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart' (Jesse Bullington)

This is a scheduled post so I'll admit that I've got no idea what book I'm reading while you're reading this. It could be anything but I'm hoping that I've finally got round to reading 'The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart' by Jesse Bullington, a book that has generated some positive online buzz and has whetted my appetite for a good read. You'll have to wait until next week to see if a review appears!

In the meantime, how would you like to win a copy of 'The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart'? Here's the blurb,

In the plague-wracked and devil-haunted darkness of Medieval Europe, an elite few enjoy opulent lives while the majority eke out a miserable existence in abject poverty. Hungry creatures stalk the deep woods and desolate mountains, and both sea and sky teem with unspeakable horrors. For those ill-fated masses not born into wealth, life is but a vicious trial to be endured before the end of days. Hegel and Manfried Grossbart could give a toss. Being of low birth means little, after all, when the riches of the mighty wait just inside the next crypt. The grave-robbing twins know enough about crusading to realise that if one is to make a living from the dead, what better destination than the fabled tomb-cities of Egypt? But the Brothers Grossbart are about to discover that all legends have their truths, and worse fates than death await those who would take the red road of villainy ...

Does this sound like your kind of thing? Are you living in the UK or Europe? (This one is only open to residents of the UK and Europe, come back tomorrow for one that everyone can enter...) If you're still here then keep reading...

Thanks to Orbit I have three copies of 'The Sad Tale...' to give away to three lucky winners. To enter, simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and where you live. I'll do the rest...

I'll let this one run until the 18th of October and announce the winners on the 19th...

Good Luck!


  1. Reminds me of the Brothers Grimm, as it probably is supposed to, but looks great. I love the idea of using Egypt as the setting as well.

    To bad it's only UK hah.

  2. Read a review of this elsewhere a few weeks ago and it sounds really good.

    Plenty of misery as well which fits in with the trend of my reading for this year.


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