Saturday 17 October 2009

Giveaway! 'The Other Lands' (David Anthony Durham)

Thanks to those good people at Doubleday I have three copies of David Anthony Durham's 'The Other Lands' (sequel to 'Acacia', a book that you really should pick up if you haven't already...) to give away to three lucky readers of this very blog! Here's the thing though, this competition is only open to people living in the UK and Europe (sorry everyone else)...

You still with me? Great! To be in with a chance of winning, what you need to do is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen)telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. You also need to make it clear, in your subject header, that this is the competition you are entering. If you don't then your entry is invalid I'm afraid...

I'll be letting this one run until the 25th of October and will announce the winners on the 26th.

Good Luck!

P.S. If you haven't already read 'Acacia', have a click right Here for my review...


  1. Great giveaway! I must take part.
    I read ACACIA with great pleasure.

    When you really want to know something about power and betrayal then I highly recommend Acacia even if you are not an fantasy enthusiast!

    I definitely want to read THE OTHER LANDS.
    Therefore I hope I will win.

  2. Great giveaway indeed! The first book has been on my to-be-read list so if I win, I'll start with the fist book immediately.


  3. SAD! I live in the USA!


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