Monday 26 October 2009

The 'First Day Back After A Week off Work' Competition Winner's Post!

We all know what it's like to be back at work after a week away so I'm not going to bore you with what's going through my head right now; not when there are competition winners to be announced! Without further ado, here they are...

'Breaking Point' - John Macken

Richard Sutherland, Edinburgh, UK
David Sweet, Bridport, UK
Michael Below, Egelsbach, Germany

'The Other Lands' - David Anthony Durham

Pedro Fontela, Portugal
Lyn Bosomworth, Tyne and Wear, UK
Michelle Williams, Preston, UK

Well done guys! Your books should hopefully be with you soonish, the postal strikes are holding things up a little...

Better luck next time everyone else!


  1. What a nice surprise on a gray Monday. I won a copy of 'Breaking Point' by John Macken. Most of the time I read fantasy. But from time to time I like to read different stuff like 'Breaking Point'. I have been intrigued by the blurb.

    But it is not only me who is happy to get this book. My wife wants to read it too.

    Anyway thank you Graeme and congratulations to all other winner.

    Now may think who is edifanob. Just one hint: I'm the guy from Germany....

  2. I have been lucky enough to win 'The Other Lands - David Anthony Durham', very grateful to Graeme, so looking forward to a good read. Michelle from Preston

  3. I can't wait to read "The Other Lands"! Thanks for the great surprise :)


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