Tuesday 29 September 2009

News for a Tuesday Morning...

I'm posting these bits now before I totally forget (I've been awake since half three this morning and things are a little fuzzy around the edges)...

Following my review of 'Dead City', a couple of weeks ago, it was a very nice surprise to receive an email from the man himself! We had a little chat and I can tell you that 2010 is going to be a great time to get into Joe McKinney's work if you haven't already. 'Dead City' is set to be re-released in September 2010 and will be accompanied by two short stories that fill in the gaps (in 'Dead City') as well as linking to the sequel, 'Cataclysm', which will be released in the October. 'The Land of Sand and Thorns' will be released six months after that.
If that's not enough for you (it's not enough for me!) then you might want to keep an eye open for John Joseph Adams' 'Living Dead 2' anthology where McKinney's 'Dating in the Dead World' will feature. My list of reads for 2010 just got bigger...

If you're a fan of Terry Brooks and/or Christopher Paolini then you might be interested in advance warning of the live online chat these authors will be doing over at Suvudu on October 14th. If either of these two authors are your thing then you need to be around between 7-8pm EDT for the chat.

Finally, are there any Sherrilyn Kenyon fans out there? I've never read any of her books but 'Born of Night' came through the door the other day and I'll be giving that a go real soon. If you fancy checking the book out, before you buy it, then click either Here or Here to read the first nine chapters. Sherrilyn Kenyon's official site is over Here and her website for 'The League' is right Here...

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