Thursday 24 September 2009

'Legend' - 25th Anniversary Edition Cover Art

Every now and then, something will come along that is guranteed to make me feel old... Last week it was my birthday (always makes me feel at least one year older than I did the day before...) and this week it was an early look at the new cover art for David Gemmell's 'Legend'. Has it really been twenty five years? Apparently so.

There's not an awful lot of difference between this cover and the one that I already own (mine has a brown background) but I find myself liking this one a lot more, possibly because of the lighter background and the fact that it's so simple yet powerful at the same time. 'Legend' is a book that doesn't need its cover to speak for it; the story does fine by itself. At the same time, the cover pretty much sums up Druss the Legend in that one shot of the axe... I love it.

I've already posted about the story itself so won't go into it again. Have a click Here if you fancy a read...


  1. I really need to get around to reading some Gemmell!
    O'h yeah, Happy Birthday man!

  2. First of all Happy Birthday! Even my wishes are belated. A long time I didn't care about my age. It changed this summer when I turned 50. I still feel young but it is tough to cope with that more than half of your life has passed...

  3. Belated Birthday wishes are still good! Thanks guys :o)


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