Monday 14 September 2009

Graeme's Weekly Comics Post...

Or, as I should have called this post, ‘Just because you’re in a comic shop it doesn’t mean that you have to buy comics...’ There wasn’t a lot on the shelves that caught my eye this time round so I grabbed one that I was after, along with another that caught my eye, and went off to the Mike Carey signing...
Two comics then; one that turned out well and another that... wasn’t so great...

‘Dead Space: Extraction’ – Antony Johnston/Ben Templesmith (Image)

When you’re only just getting back into comics the words ‘One Shot’ on a cover means that you can pick it up for a quick taste and not have to worry about catching up on a series or anything like that. Those magic words convinced me to give this one a try.
On the face of it, there’s nothing wrong with this ‘Dead Space’ video game tie-in. Templesmith’s artwork is really gloomy and sinister (just right for a haunted space station!) and Johnston does a good job telling the story of a doctor who has found herself on the wrong assignment at the wrong time.
However, the further along I went with the story the more it became apparent that you really needed to have a working knowledge of the game setting itself to get the most out of this comic. There’s a lot of stuff going on where it’s taken for granted that you’ll know that back story already, this may be one purely for fans of the game.
I also wasn’t too sure about the direction the story was taking. There were three characters (whom I suspect will appear prominently in the game) that it made a lot more sense to follow than our friend the doctor...
‘Dead Space: Extraction’ was suitably atmospheric but ultimately disappointing...

‘Olympus #4’ – Edmondson/Ward (Image)

Regular readers will know that I’ve been following this mini-series (Superheroes of Ancient Greece? I think so) since it’s beginning; now it’s time for the endgame. Castor and Pollux have grasped the full scope of Tantalus’ madness and what he is prepared to do in unleashing his rage. There’s only one way to stop him and that involves a trip into the underworld...
After everything I’ve been saying about Christian Ward’s art, he saves the best until last... Not only is the artwork as great as ever (in terms of content) but it feels a little tidier this time round, I could actually work out what was really happening!
Edmondson ties everything superbly, bringing back a character (whom we’ve only met briefly) to help deliver the final coup de grace. I love it when things like this happen, it just tightens everything up and makes it more streamlined. There is scope for Castor and Pollux to return though and I hope they do; I’ve had a lot of fun with this series so far...

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