Friday 25 September 2009

Gollancz Autumn Party 2009...

Is there anything better than a quick shop at Forbidden Planet (Alan Mills’ ‘Flesh’ is looking like a great read so far, worth waking up early for!) followed by Gollancz’ annual Autumn Party? Right now I don’t think there is.

Thanks again to Gollancz not only for throwing a great party but also for inviting me along to partake of mini beef burgers (my new favourite food!) as well as getting to meet up with authors and other bloggers. Adam, Liz and Mark were there and I got to meet Ana and James for the first time. I’m in awe of what these guys come out with, on their blogs, so it was great to finally get to meet them in person (I’m hoping I didn’t gush too much, it’s ‘cold light of day’ time...)

On the author front, I spent some time chatting with David Moody and Mark Chadbourn who have both written books that I’ve enjoyed reading fairly recently. If you’re a fan of David Moody’s ‘Hater’ (I am!) then you’ll be pleased to know that the sequel is steadily heading towards a 2010 release. The same can be said for Moody’s ‘Autumn’ series (in the UK at any rate); anything with zombies in it is a guaranteed read for me so I’m looking forward to getting my hands on these (I tried reading the free downloads on my computer but ended up with eyestrain as well as my boss asking me what I was doing...)
If you’re a fan of Mark Chadbourn’s ‘Lord of Silence’ then you might like to know that proposals for more books, in the same setting, are in the offing. If you haven’t read ‘Lord of Silence’ (why not?) and can’t find yourself a copy then you might also like to know that the rights to this book are (hopefully) in the process of being sold so you should see ‘Lord of Silence’ back on the bookshelves soon.
Another author worth keeping an eye open for is M.D. Lachlan (I didn’t get a chance to find out what the ‘M’ and the ‘D’ stood for...) whose book ‘Wolfsangel’ is out early next year. I’m cool with werewolves so long as they don’t follow too many urban fantasy tropes; from what I’ve heard ‘Wolfsangel’ sounds like it will be just my kind of thing.

After having enjoyed ‘Mythago Wood’ and ‘Avilion’, one of the highlights of my evening was getting to meet Robert Holdstockand have a little chat. Finding out what went into these works brought a whole new perspective to them for me; if only I hadn’t fallen prey to an attack of ‘starstruck babble’ at precisely the wrong moment...

I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing but had a great time while I was there. I’m already looking forward to the next one!


  1. It was such a good party!! : D

  2. Glad you had fun and thanks for the write up, Graeme. Happy you could make it!

    Jon (Gollancz)

  3. Did you miss the mini ice-cream and strawberry sauce ? That beat the mini burgers, just!

    It was definitely a fanboy night!

    Lots of new stuff coming next year that's sounding fab too.

    Great to see you again!

  4. Gav - It was great to see you :o) My prejudice towards e-readers has been lessened thanks to you!

    I completely missed the mini desserts but I'm confident in saying that the mini-beefburgers ruled the canapes last night :o)

  5. Oh that's the other thing I need to blog about in the future - the ebook thing. Seeing is believing!

    Hmmm ice-cream beats burger! At least I'm not push the argument that a Bloody Mary is one of your five a day!!

  6. Oh no. The chocolate tarts trumped everything else.

  7. Great write-up Graeme, glad you enjoyed the evening. It was good to meet you.

    I'll make sure we get a physical copy of Autumn to you so you can finish reading it before the next party!

  8. You were there? Why didn't I see you? I did turn up late of course but even so... sorry to have missed you.

  9. David - It was great to finally meet you too. A hard copy of 'Autumn' would be great, I'm looking forward to reading it!

    Hi James - I'll bet you arrived just after I left (I had to leave at eight)... Sorry I missed you this time (next year though!)
    Did you watch the Ipswich/ Newcastle game at the weekend? My wife still can't stop laughing, even though she follows Plymouth...

  10. > Another author worth keeping an eye open for is M.D. Lachlan (I didn’t get a chance to find out what the ‘M’ and the ‘D’ stood for...) whose book ‘Wolfsangel’ is out early next year.

    Nothing at all, actually.
    -> (Mark Barrowcliffe)


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