Saturday 19 September 2009

Giveaway! 'Shamanslayer' (Nathan Long)

You've read my review for 'Shamanslayer', now how do you fancy winning a copy of the book? (What do you mean, you haven't read it? Scroll down the page right now!) Thanks to the good people at the Black Library I've got five copies of 'Shamanslayer' to give away. Don't worry about whether you can enter this one or not as this competition is open to everyone, it doesn't matter where you live!

What's that? You want to know how to enter? It's really simple. Just drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do everything else.

I'll let this one run until the 27th of September and will announce the winners on the 28th...

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe I am the first!!!!

    Please count me in and thanks for opening it to overseas visitors.




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