Sunday 13 September 2009

Giveaway! 'Red Claw' (Philip Palmer)

I haven't started this one yet, simply because I keep going back to the front cover and marvelling at how awesome it is :o) The blurb isn't bad either...

Professor Richard Helms heads up a tight-knit band of scientists and soldiers sent to explore New Amazon, a lush but savage planet seemingly determined to attack them at every turn. When they are done cataloguing every detail of this vast, unfamiliar ecosystem, they will burn it to the ground and make it fit for human habitation. But when the team falls under attack, Helms and his followers are forced to flee into the depths of the jungle. Here, old enemies and petty rivalries surface as they struggle to survive. They soon end up fighting for their lives - against the planet they are exploring, the robots designed to protect them and, most of all, against each other.

Sounds good doesn't it? How do you fancy trying your luck at winning a copy? Thanks to Orbit, I have three copies of 'Red Claw' to give away (only if you're in the UK or Europe though, sorry everyone else...) to three lucky winners.
Entering is as easy as ever, simply send me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. You also need to make it clear what competition you are entering! I'll do the rest.

I'll be letting this one run until the 20th of September and will anounce the winners on the 21st.

Good Luck!


  1. Man I'm really looking forward to this one! :-) To this who haven't yet read any Philip Palmer, you're in for a treat! :-)

  2. Haven't read this author - have to make more time for sci fi

  3. I need to read a good new (to me) author.


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