Thursday 17 September 2009

Do you have a question for Peter F. Hamilton?

If you do then now is a great time to ask it! Pan Macmillan will be conducting a video interview with Peter, next Thursday, and are asking if anyone has any questions that they would like Pan Macmillan to ask on their behalf. This interview is to mark the release of 'The Temporal Void', in paperback, but you can ask him pretty much anything you like about his work to date.

If you do have any questions then you need to send them to , if your question does get picked then you'll be credited with having asked...

I'll see what I can do about getting a link to the video once it goes live...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the release - I had no idea... huge PFH fan, but haven't got a clue what to ask him...



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