Friday 7 August 2009

Which cover would you go for...?

Every so often, I get the same book through the post from both the US and UK publisher. Instead of tossing a coin to see which one I'll read (and giving the other copy away without really talking about it) I thought it would be fun to compare the covers and also find out what you guys think of them as well. It worked quite well last month so I thought that I'd go for it again and see what happened.

This time round, both ACE and Orbit sent me copies of Charles Stross' short story collection 'Wireless'. I enjoyed 'The Jennifer Morgue' and 'The Atrocity Archives' but couldn't get into 'Saturn's Children' so it will be interesting to see what 'Wireless' is like...

Here's the UK cover,

And here's the US cover,

This time round I find myself going for the US cover over the UK one. There's a little bit too much happening on the UK cover; sometimes 'simple' is more effective and the US cover has the edge in that regard. What do you think?

Comments please! :o)


  1. It's sort of Cthulhuish so I like the US one better. Love me some Cthulhu.

  2. Both seem pretty average to me, but I have to go with the UK one. I wouldn't even give the US a second glance, much less pick it up to see what it's about.

  3. I have to go with the UK cover crisp looking, ominous.I like that. The US one looks murky and remind me of the bottom of my fish tank.

  4. either would be a good cover imo, but the uk one stands out more on a bookstore shelf imo so i'd probably go with that one.

  5. The US cover has a touch of elegance to it, much less cluttered. Also the ambiguous aspect may help draw potential readers.

  6. Yeah, I agree with you too, Graeme. The US has the better cover for once.

  7. I'm a fan of the UK cover.

  8. I guess the 2nd cover, but honestly I am not drawn to any of them

  9. I prefer the UK one US cover to "empty" maybe with this Stross picture on it

    Is there going to be a Giveaway for this one?


  10. I agree. The US cover is for me, but then I am in the US. I guess that means they have their target market well... targeted. The wide open spaces seem to be a trend in book covers here lately - I guess they are leaving room for the imagination.

  11. I like the UK one more... but then again the US cover for Saturns Children was so wretched I can not see me ever liking an american cover for a stross book again. Its no f'n wonder the us has such a high teen pregnancy rate

  12. The UK one's not bad but a tad cluttered. I prefer the clean lines and simple design of the US cover.

  13. I lean toward the U.S. cover. the U.K. one seems more tech, and the name is "Wireless"...but it's kinda cheesy trying-to-hard-to-look-tech for me. the U.S. cover is cleaner and a bit spooky. ;-)

  14. I like the US cover better looked at solely as art, but suspect (based on the other books of his that I have read) that the UK may more accurately reflect the contents.

  15. the US one for sure, it's more artistic and pleasing to the eye. Well, my eye at least!

  16. Sci-Fi Guy - I'm now in the position where I find myself wanting to see the bottom of your fish tank. Photo please? ;o)

    Maarten - There might be a giveaway for this one, don't know yet...

    GL - I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the cover for 'Saturn's Children' in the US. You would have thought they could do so much better than that!


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