Thursday 13 August 2009

Hordes of Competition Winners!!

Would you believe that after all the worry (I really hate going to the dentist...) it was only a consultation? It turns out that I'm having the job done first thing on Saturday morning instead. Bang goes my lie-in...
I'll see what I can do about getting a review up today :o)

In the meantime...

Could this possibly be the largest 'competition winner post' that I've ever done? It could well be! Thanks go to not only everyone who entered but also the publishers who very kindly donated the prizes. You all rock!
The winners were...

‘Ravenor’ (Signed) – Dan Abnett

Bill Hovan, Greensburg, USA
Johanna Zetterlund, Sweden

‘The Horus Heresy’ (Books 1-5)

Nathan Fluhman, Utah, USA
Chris Dawson, Scunthorpe, UK

‘Twelve’ (Signed) – Jasper Kent

Daniel Franklin, Manchester, UK
Bjorn De Swert, Belgium
Maria Patrinou, Greece

‘The Dwarves’ – Marcus Heitz

Mark M. Cagnacci, London, UK
Fahed Rahman, London, UK
Simon Holland, Hyde, UK

‘Cadian Blood’ – Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Mark Devery, New Zealand
Jessica Lay, Dallas, USA
Joseph Lee, Canada
Barry Forshaw, Newcastle, UK
Sharon Schwartz, New Jersey, USA

‘Lord of Silence’ – Mark Chadbourn

Mohd Arief, Malaysia
Jonathan Teutenberg, Auckland, New Zealand
Casey Buell, California, USA
Sandro Pergameno, Rome, Italy
Melissa Symonds, Surrey, UK

‘Age of Ra’ – James Lovegrove

Fernando Martínez Luna, Madrid, Spain
Robert Lee, Colorado, USA
Angela MacRae, Inverness, Scotland
Joel Simard, Montreal, Canada
Ed Read, Reading, UK

‘The Codex Alera’ (First Two Books) – Jim Butcher

Katrin Schuschke, Germany
Ruth Kelly, Birmingham, UK

Well done everyone! Your books should be on their way real soon :o) I haven't sent out any emails (there were far too many, I've got so much else to do!) so if you see your name on the list, please feel free to leave a comment next to the post.
Everyone else - Seeing as I'm going to be at the dentist's on Saturday, I've lined up a couple of competitions to keep things ticking over while I recover... ;o)


  1. Woohoo! I won something!

    Awesome, thanks Graeme.

  2. Thanks Graeme,

    looking forward to the book.

  3. I can't believe I actually won something! Awesome, thank you Graeme.

  4. Yeah!! I won a prize thanks ever so much Graeme. Really looking forward to the book.

  5. Huzzah! Many thanks Graeme, I look forward to reading Twelve most anticipatorily... or something ;)

    Congratulations, many congratulations, to all the other winners - and oh how many there are!

  6. Great! I finally won one of these things.
    Thanks a lot Graeme.

  7. Yes I won something at last, cheers for doing the comp. Graeme.


  8. Thanks Graeme!

    Bad news is I bought a copy of the Dwarves last week! If you haven't already posted it then please feel free to give it to someone else, failing that I'll mail it to them myself...

  9. Hi Simon,

    It should already be in the mail (and I've deleted all the other competition emails)... An early Christmas present for someone perhaps? :o)

  10. wow! It's the first time I win a book! thank you very much, Graeme.

  11. Awesome. Thanks Graeme

  12. This is awesome, I'm really looking forward to reading Age of Ra. Thanks for making it possible!

  13. Thanks a lot!!!!!!

  14. Thanks Graeme - always nice to add another a book to my tbr pile! Looking forward to reading it - and congrats to everyone else as well!

  15. Sweet, great news. Something to look forward to in the mail. Thanks and congrats to the other winners.

  16. wow! thanks graeme!! I won =D

    Btw, is it ok if I add your blog to my bloglist?

  17. Katrin Schuschke21 August 2009 at 09:28

    This is absolutely fantastic -- tomorrow my summer vacation starts and I've happily added the Codex Aldera books to my stack. I absolutely love it to have not only a delectable selection of books but also loads of time to read them. Sometimes life *is* perfect!

  18. I just received my book Graeme. Cheers!

  19. I still haven't gotten mine. :/

  20. If anyone hasn't received their book yet (they can take a while to come through) drop me an email and I'll get on the case :o)

  21. Copies of 'Twelve' are on their way (more books needed to be signed and there was a slight hold up...)! :o)


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