Saturday 15 August 2009

Giveaway! 'The King's Daughters' (Nathalie Mallet)

I read and reviewed this book a few weeks ago, having a great time with it and adding the series itself to that ever growing list of series that I find myself compelled to follow. Now I'm giving you guys the chance to check this book out for yourself...

Thanks to Nathalie herself, I have three signed copies of 'The King's Daughters' to give away to people in the UK, US and Canada (these are the only people who can enter, sorry about that!) You wouldn't believe how easy it is to enter; simply drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and where you live. I'll do everything else.

I'm letting this one run until August 23rd, I'll announce the winners on the 24th.

Good Luck!


  1. I already, and just recently, won a book off your blog so I won't be greedy and enter another contest so soon...but I just wanted to say that this book looks good.

    I'd highly recommend people to enter. These giveaways are great. Keep up the great work Graeme!

  2. I already, and just recently, won a book off your blog so I won't be greedy and enter another contest so soon...but I just wanted to say that this book looks good.

    I'd highly recommend people to enter. These giveaways are great. Keep up the great work Graeme!

  3. I would love to read this book. Please eneter me.

  4. Family will enjoy - please enter me

  5. book looks fascinating..hope we win

  6. Please enter me.


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