Saturday 25 July 2009

When is a Hiatus not a Hiatus...?

When it's a holiday! :o)

I'm going to be away for the next two weeks in an attempt to chase the sunshine that's been missing from our holidays for... well... years now! Wish us luck...

That doesn't mean that things are going to stop here though as I've loaded up the blog with some cool looking stuff to tide things over while I'm gone. It's all good so stay tuned...

See you in a fortnight!


  1. Have fun and I hope you catch up with the sunshine!

  2. Have a great time and a lot of sunshine!

  3. Don't talk about's 103 degrees here and I don't have an A/C...NOOOOOOOOOO....
    All someone has to say now is "I'm your father"...


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