Sunday 12 July 2009

Tim Powers - Where do I start reading?

I get through a lot of books, on a regular basis, but the one thing I'll always be sure of is that there will always be more to read! I'm never going to read everything but I'm going to give it one hell of a go! :o)

Every so often, when I'm browsing forums, I'll hear an author's name mentioned and realise that I've never read any of their work. Tim Powers is one of these authors and, considering I've heard nothing but good about his books, I figured it was time I checked him out.

Where do I start though? Hopefully, this is where you guys come in... Have you got a favourite book, by Tim Powers, that you think I should read? Leave a comment telling me what it is and why you think I should give it a go. Finances permitting (because there's no way on earth I'm buying the £55 second hand copy of 'On Stranger Tides'...!) I may end up picking that very book up and telling you all what I think of it right here :o)

Comments please!


  1. The Anubis Gates is one of my top 5 novels of all time.

    Start there and don't look back.

  2. Oh, yeah, definitely start with Anubis Gates! And then Dinner at Deviant's Palace. Oh, and The Drawing of the Dark. Terrific stuff here!

    I can see I'm going to have to revisit these:^) Thanks!

  3. Well thank god for that!

    I have a copy of The Anubis Gate all boxed up somewhere. I thought that I needed to read Earthquake Weather first!

    I love blogs!

    Thanks Graham and everyone for answering that one!

    Was great to see you Thursday btw - will have to send you an email!

  4. Definitely Anubis Gates. Earthquake Weather is part of a trilogy (with Last Call and Expiration Date). If you can't find Anubis, On Stranger Tides is agreeably odd.

  5. The Anubis Gates.

  6. Anubis Gates is the best book by Powers that I have read in many years.

  7. I'm casting a vote for The Anubis Gates, too, even if Declare is my favorite Powers novel. I guess this means I'm, er, declaring Declare as a follow-up novel to read.

  8. Anubis Gates. Unfortunately, it's the only thing I've read of his so far but it was one terrific book!

  9. The Anubis Gates is the only book I've read by Powers as well, but I agree it was fantastic. Definitely give it a go!

  10. I'd vote for Declare. It was my first Powers novel and still my favorite.

    Anubis Gates is quite good but I think there is a clear demarcation in Powers writing starting with Last Call. Anubis Gates (and On Stranger Tides and other early Powers novels) are a lot of fun, but I think he became a much better writer with "Last Call".

  11. On Stranger Tides. Or dinner at deviant palace. Nice and pulpy.

  12. I started with The Stress of Her Regard...but you can't go wrong with Anubis Gates, either.

  13. I know the Anubis gates is the popular favorite here but i must differ. If you want to truly appreciate Powers, you should start with "The Drawing of the Dark" because then you can see his growth as an author. I know you have a great deal to read but the overwhelming majority of his novels are worth the read and he's a 'page turner'!!

  14. I agree with the comment about starting with Drawing of the Dark. If you don't want to do that, my personal favourite is Last Call which leads you into the trilogy, followed by Expiration Date & Earthquake Weather.

    If you like Tim Powers, you should also read James Blaylock's The Paper Grail.

  15. I have been reading Tim Powers for
    over twenty five years and the first time reader sound start with:-

    The Anubis Gates

    If they enjoyed that, I suggest
    they track down copies of :-

    On Stranger Tides
    The Stress Of Her Regard
    Last Call

    He is a true on-off, and deserves to have a bigger following.


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