Friday 10 July 2009

‘The Goon #32, Tenth Anniversary Issue!’ – Eric Powell (Dark Horse Comics)

Jasper Kent’s ‘Twelve’ is starting to get really good but it’s such a heavy going read (more on that next week when I post my review) that there was no way I was going to finish it in time to get a review up today. I think what I’d say right now is that ‘Twelve’ is a good read but I haven’t found it as enjoyable as everyone else...

I was at a bit of a loss for what to post today until I popped into Forbidden Planet last night (for the Mark Chadbourn and James Lovegrove signing) and saw a copy of ‘The Goon #32’ lurking on the shelves. It really was lurking as well, peering out between ‘G.I Jo’e and ‘Green Lantern’... I’ve only been reading the series for a year so can’t get my head round the fact that it’s been running, in one form or another, since 1999. I’m always up for a new ‘Goon’ story though so wasted no time in taking this one home for a read.

If you’ve been following ‘The Goon’ then you’ll know that he’s got good reason to be in such a deep depression that not even birthday cake and Milwaukee beer will cheer him up. How will the Goon get his zombie kicking mojo back? The aforementioned birthday cake and the God of Hobos play their part and while all this is happening the Zombie Priest is making moves to get back in the game (poor Cat)...

I wasn’t too keen on the tangent that the story took midway through. I’ve never been too keen on comics where you cut back from the story to see the writer working on what’s happening, it takes me right out of the story and that was a shame seeing as I’d really got into this one. Some of the humour (one bit in particular) really didn’t work for me this time round either. Some things are just not funny... Having said that though, Powell seemed to get this and moved on from it pretty quickly.

The story itself though was good fun, a mixture of laughs and foreboding. Nothing keeps the Goon down for long and it was good to see him back on top of his game again. ‘Rat Alley’ was one of my favourite locations in ‘Rough Stuff’ and it was good to see it make an appearance here.

As normal, I loved the muted colours and art that give the world of the Goon that dreamlike (almost nightmarish) quality. What was interesting, this time round, though was the sketchbook section (after the story) where other artists show us their impressions of the Goon. Mike Mignola and Jeff Smith’s renditions were the standout moments for me but Eric Powell still does it best! :o)

If you’re a fan of ‘The Goon’ then the 10th Anniversary issue will be one that you’ll enjoy. If you’re not a fan, check ‘The Goon’ out. I think you’ll like it...

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