Sunday 19 July 2009

Giveaway! 'The Light of Burning Shadows' (Chris Evans)

I'm going to do things a little differently with this one... :o)

I heard good things about Chris Evans' 'A Darkness Forged in Fire' when it first came out. I haven't read it yet but I really want to get back into reading a lot more fantasy so look for a review sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, I have copies of the sequel 'The Light of Burning Shadows' to give away to readers from the US and Canada (it's a 'US and Canada' only competition, sorry!) The slight twist here is that I'm not telling you how many copies I've got to give away... This is more of a 'first come, first served' giveaway where the quickest off the mark will get the prize! Once I've got enough emails for books... the competition closes.

To be in with a chance of winning you should have emailed me five minutes ago! Only kidding :o) Just send me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. You'll find out if you won when I announce it here in the next few days...

Good Luck!

Edited To Add: I've now got more than enough emails for the number of books that I have to give away, the competition is now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered! Tune in on Tuesday when the first X number of people, who got their email in first, will find out that they won the book...


  1. I think leaving a comment would be nice also. You have a really good taste in books. I'm always interested in what you review. And No... this isn't to butter you up.

  2. I recently pikced up a copy of 'A Darkness Forged in Fire'. The dilema now is where to place it in the to be read pile.


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