Wednesday 1 July 2009

China Mieville - More Talks & Signings...

China Mieville is still floating around London doing bits and pieces to promote his new book 'The City & The City' (read my review Here). He won't be doing it for much longer though according to the email that has just turned up in my inbox...

If you're in London this month (or at the Edinburgh Book Festival next month), and fancy seeing China Mieville, here's where you can catch up with him...

7th July - Upstairs at The Pineapple Public House
51 Leverton Street, London , NW5 2NX
(There's a link to an email address, for more information, which I can't get to appear on this post. For more information, erm... go in the pub and ask?)

9th July - The Wapping Project, 7.30pm
The Greenhouse, Wapping Hydraulic Power Station Wapping Wall, London , E1W 3ST
For further information, click Here.

11th July – Bookmarks Bookshop, 2pm
1 Bloomsbury Street, London , WC1B 3QE
For further information, telephone 020 7637 1848

16th July - London Literature Festival, 7pm
Level 5 Function Room, Southbank Centre
For further information, click Here.

29th & 30th August - Edinburgh International Book Festival
For further information, click Here to book tickets.

The pub and the greenhouse talks look like they could be fun...

1 comment:

  1. I got to see China speak when he was in New York for BookExpo America, and it was fantastic. He signed a copy of The City & The City for me, and as always hearing him speak is always entertaining.


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