Wednesday 15 July 2009

Alan Campbell - Signing and Q&A

I very much enjoyed Alan Campbell's 'Scar Night' and 'Iron Angel', 'God of Clocks' could very well be coming on holiday with me to either be read by the pool somewhere hot or read in a tent while the rain comes through the roof (our holidays are all about extremes!)

In the meantime, if you're in Edinburgh on the 23rd of July (and you're a fan of the Deepgate Codex!) then you might want to pop along to Waterstones West End, 128 Princes Street, where Alan will be reading from 'God of Clocks' and answering questions. You'll need a ticket though (which are free!) so either give the store a call on 01312 262666 or pop in and speak to a member of staff.

I won't be able to make it up there on the 23rd so leave a comment here, telling me what is was like, if you make it yourself ;o)

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