Monday 29 June 2009


No competition winners today I'm afraid, the weekend was filled up drinking with mates and reading comic books. Always good :o) When I got back home last night, most of the evening was spent trying to figure out why Blogger hadn't posted the stuff that I had scheduled (the only problem I've had with Blogger so far, fingers crossed there won't be any more and this issue gets sorted before I go on holiday...)

I'll be picking some winners tonight to announce tomorrow. The 'Burning Skies' and 'House of Lost Souls Competitions' are now closed so don't even think about trying to sneak an entry in! What you can do though is scroll down a couple of posts and enter the 'Midnight Never Come'/'In Ashes Lie' competition that should have gone up on Saturday but was posted yesterday instead...

As far as reading goes... I've got a few bits and pieces on the go including the latest 'Goon' trade paperback (I'll be posting my thoughts this afternoon) and 'The Best of Michael Moorcock'. I've also been giving 'The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft' a go and I'll probably post more on this once I've picked up more of the comics...


  1. Blogger is playing up a bit at the moment, my latest post keeps disappearing for some reason. Think it's a technical issue.

  2. Where did you get 'The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft'? I can't find it anywhere but Ebay and I stopped using that site a few years back.

  3. James - I've been really lucky with blogger so far but this has come at an awkward time. I want to schedule posts for when I'm away next month... :o(

    bascule - I picked this issue up at the Space Centre in Sheffield. I didn't realise it was issue 2 though so I'm hoping that Forbidden Planet can help me out here!


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