Sunday 28 June 2009

Giveaway! 'Midnight Never Come' & 'In Ashes Lie' (Marie Brennan)

To mark the release of Marie Brennan's 'In Ashes Lie', Orbit have very kindly offered two sets of 'Midnight Never Come' and 'In Ashes Lie' for me to give away to two lucky readers. Here's the Amazon blurb for 'In Ashes Lie'...

September, 1666 - The mortal civil war is over. But the war among the fae is still raging, and London is its battleground. There are forces that despise the Onyx Court, and will do anything to destroy it. But now a greater threat has come, one that could destroy everything. In the house of a sleeping baker, a spark leaps free of the oven - and ignites a blaze that will burn London to the ground. For three harrowing days, the mortals and fae of the city will fight to save their home. While the humans struggle to halt the conflagration that is devouring London street by street, the fae pit themselves against a less tangible foe: the spirit of the fire itself, powerful enough to annihilate everything in its path. Neither side can win on its own - but can they find a way to fight together?

You can also read my review of 'Midnight Never Come' over Here.

How does that all sound to you? I had some reservations about 'Midnight Never Come' but enjoyed it enough to start on 'In Ashes Lie' (which is proving to be a superior read so far...) Fancy entering? (This competition is open to everyone, it doesn't matter where you live!) Then read on...

All you need to do to enter is drop me an email (address at the top right hand side of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. I'll do the rest ;o)

I'll let this one run until July 4th and announce the winners on the 5th.

Good Luck!


  1. Wonderful giveaway. I don't need to take part because I own copies of both books. They are on my summer reading list.

    In case you don't know Marie Brennan wrote a novella that takes place between Midnight Never Come and In Ashes Lie. And you can download Deeds of Men for free!

    Anyway good luck to all participants.

  2. Caught this just in time - I'll send an email now! Thanks for this contest!


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