Wednesday 3 June 2009

David Eddings - RIP

Just saw on SF Crowsnest that David Eddings has passed away. While his books aren't really my cup of tea these days they certainly were when I started reading fantasy back in the day (and they still take pride of place on my 'guilty pleasure' shelf at home). True to form, I started reading the 'Belgariad' at the third book. 'Magician's Gambit', but read the rest not long after. What is it with me and series? I managed to read the 'Elenium' in order and it's definitely my favourite of Eddings' series (I just can't get enough knights in armour and there was loads of that in the 'Elenium')

I had good fun reading the 'Belgariad' and 'Elenium' series and probably will again when I read them next time. Thanks David and RIP.


  1. Me too, I might have to dig his books out for a re-read soon.

  2. This is indeed sad... fantasy's lost a good, and prolific, author.

  3. I was sad to hear this earlier and more-so because I didn't realise his Wife and co-author Leigh Eddings died 2 years ago.

  4. Oh no! The Belgaraid series is one I have read more than once over the years. This is a sad day.

  5. My husband and son will be so sad...they started reading the books a few months ago and just recently my husband said he would love to meet David. That's what brought me here to find that he passed.


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