Monday 8 June 2009

Competition Winners!!

Thanks to everyone who entered the Graham McNeil and Malazan competitions that I ran last weekend. As much as I'd like to give books to everyone who entered (how cool would that be?) I'm afraid that wasn't to be :o(
The lucky winners are...

The 'Big Fat Graham McNeil Giveaway'...

Ian Loh, Singapore
Peter Stoakes, Australia

'Gardens of the Moon' and 'Night of Knives' Giveaway...

Kim Bea, Minneapolis (who has never read them before)
Richard Murray, Halifax, Canada (not only will Richard and his wife be reading them but their whole apartment block will get a chance as well!)
Phillip Raynor, Greenville, USA (Phillip and his barber will be checking out the Malazan series for the first time...)

Well done guys, your books are on their way!


  1. Yay, I'm happy I've won! And congrats to the other winners!

  2. Thank you thank you thank you from both of us! I can hardly wait! Keep up the great work!

  3. Thanks so much! They'll have pride of place in my WH40K collection!

  4. Brilliant - been a really good day for a monday around this house... free books to read AND working on a job offer with a company I want to work for.

    Next stop... lotto ticket... :)


  5. Excellent. Looking forward to sitting down and reading through the WH40K books.
    Keep up the wonderful work Graeme.


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