Monday 1 June 2009

Competition Winners...!!

Thanks to everyone who entered last weekend's competitions! The winners were...


Neville Thompson, South Africa

'Zoe's Tale.'

Marjorie Taylor, Wiltshire, UK
Stephen Stewart, Perthshire, UK
Karen Mahoney, London, UK


Ken Read, Nairn, Scotland
Richard Hayden, East Sussex, UK
Stephen Stewart, Perthshire, UK (who did very well for himself this time round!)

'The Wolverine Files.'

Daniel Franklin, Silver Spring, USA
Teresa Warner, Ohio, USA
Marla Crocker, Georgia, USA
Dawn Miears, Oklahoma, USA
Clinton Ausmus, Texas, USA

Well done guys! Your books should be on their way very soon... :o)

Better luck next time everyone else! There's a couple of competitions below if you fancy your luck...


  1. Thanks so much Graeme! I haven't won anything for ages and thought my luck had finally give out... ;)

    Seriously, thank you for running all these contests - I'm looking forward to Zoe's Tale!


  2. Thank you! I never expect to win anything so this cokes as a very welcome surprise. I shall look forward to reading 'Zoe's Tale' as soon as it arrives

  3. I can't believe I won, looking forward to the read!

  4. Thank you so much Graeme. Can't wait to read the book. Thanks for all the great reviews and opportunities to win books. Much appreciated.

  5. Thanks very much Graeme. Very interested to read Liz Williams's Winterstrike. I haven't picked up anything by her since Banner of Souls.

  6. Well, that's pretty awesome, I think that's the first competition I've ever won! Thanks so much Graeme :)

  7. Cool! I can't wait to read it. :0)

    Thanks so much!

  8. Thanks a lot Graeme! Looking forward to reading the books.

  9. Hi Graeme,

    Sorry it has taken so long to post here but you are aware of the problems I have had with my internet access.

    Thank you so much for selecting me as a winner for Fallen, it really helped to cheer me up after all the problems I have been having accessing the Web.

    Your giveaways are always great and I shall continue to annoy you by entering every one of them I possibly can !!


  10. Winterstrike arrived today thanks loads.

  11. WOW! That was a fantastic book I hope there's a sequel soon!


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