Tuesday 30 June 2009

Competition Winners! 'Burning Skies' & 'The House of Lost Souls'...

This post was a little late in coming but I got there in the end! :o)

Thanks to everyone who entered these two competitions! The winners were...

'Burning Skies'

Jeanette Jackson, Ontario, Canada
Maarten Bouwman, Milan, Italy
Josephine Marie, San Francisco, USA

'The House of Lost Souls'

Pat Neal, Florida, USA
Edithanne Fritz, North Carolina, USA
Ben Stanley, North Carolina, USA

Well done guys, your books will be on their way very soon! Better luck next time everyone else...


  1. oh wow! how great! I am not the luckiest person to win things and books are my favorite thing to win!! Thank you for haveing a great blog and doing the chances to win so many books all the time!

  2. Graeme: this is truly awesome! Your review of "The House of Lost Souls" did a great job of selling this one and I'm really glad that I'm going to have the chance to read it myself now! My thanks to you and the publisher!

  3. Just got the great news. Thank you very much. I can't wait to read it.

  4. Thank you so Much! I appreciate the book and cannot wait to read it!

  5. Woohoo! I won! I'm so excited. I can't wait.

  6. Ciao Graeme,
    "Burning Skies" arrived at my home in Italy just in 10 days. In the book I found a personalised dedication. Seems like Williams cured the shipment personally. Just great!
    Pitty the compitition didn't include the first book of the trilogy. Maby I should contact Williams directly.
    Thanks for everything


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