Thursday 11 June 2009

BFI in July! One Giant Leap...

Just had this email come through from the British Film Institute and I thought that any sci-fi fans in London, during July, might find it interesting...

One Giant Leap

To coincide with the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing on 20 July 1969, BFI Southbank is collaborating with the Science Museum in hosting a season of documentaries, feature films, television and artworks focusing on the dream and reality of space travel, the Cold War space race, and the American space programme of the 1960s and 1970s. One Giant Leap will look at how factual and fictive approaches to making movies have articulated humankind's aspiration to colonise space, and investigate how our desire and ability to break free of the earth's gravitational field have stimulated some of the most creative thinkers from the worlds of cinema, television and the visual arts.

Sounds to me like a good way to see some sci-fi, on the big screen, that I haven't seen before! I've had a quick look at the Website and the ones that look good to me are '2001' (which I have never seen!), 'Doctor Who: The Moonbase' and 'First Men in the Moon'...

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