Friday 5 June 2009

Are You an Agent of Chaos?

I have to shamefacedly admit that I'm not an Agent of Chaos in the slightest (although there are days at work when that could change all too easily!) How about you though? What's the most surreal thing you've ever done (just so you could say you did it)?

To mark the release of Escober's 'Chaos', Underland Press are running the following competiton...

Are You An Agent of Chaos?

Have you ever struck a blow for anarchy? Done something surreal just because it felt good and they couldn't stop you? Crossed the border just to say you had? Stuck your gun somewhere you shouldn't've? Been chased across countries while trying to remember who you are? Okay, so that last one is the novel "Chaos" by the hot Dutch writing couple Escober, but you get the point. Tell us about the biggest thing you ever done to spread "chaos" and we'll enter you in a drawing for a one-of-a-kind gift pack featuring our new book "Chaos", plus:

A military issue map bag containing:

(1) compass with sighting mirror

(1) copy of the U.S. Army's Guerilla Warfare and Special Forces Ops field guide

(1) beret

(1) grenade (deactivated - you think we're crazy?)

(1) pair of leather bootlaces

(1) camouflage T-shirt, suitable for disappearing without a trace

Send your story of complete chaos to before June 30, 2009 to enter.

About Chaos:

Chaos by Escober

Now Available from Underland Press, a heart-stopping psychological thriller, in English for the first time.

When British soldier alex Fisher returns home from his tour in Bosnia, he’s plagued by blackouts, recurring nightmares, and uncontrollable acts of violence. Escaping to Mexico, he sets off on a globetrotting tour in an attempt to distance himself from the demons in his head. a chance meeting with a mysterious woman introduces Fisher to a far more passionate—and far more dangerous—life. With his grip on reality slipping, Fisher’s demons return in full force, awakening a flood of suppressed memories. as he attempts to sort through his complicated and half-remembered past, Fisher discovers that the truth is harder to accept than the lies.

This one has been lurking in the 'To Read Pile' for a little too long now, I'll have to do something about that...

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