Sunday 17 May 2009

The 'Extremely Lazy' Sunday Link-Up Spectacular!

The great thing about there being so many other great sci-fi/fantasy blogs is that if I don't have anything to post then I can always cobble together a list of links to all the other stuff that has been happening ;o)
As fate would have it, a weekend of drinking and not much sleep has left me with nothing to post today. Here then is a list of all the cool stuff that has been happening elsewhere over the last week or so...

James gives us his thoughts on Tim Lebbon's Fallen and seems to like it as much as I did...

I love Rob's 'Books in the Mail' posts, Here is his most recent one...

Joe Abercrombie gives us details of his forthcoming tour to promote 'Best Served Cold'. I'll be there for the London signing :o)

If you fancy getting your hands on a rather exclusive copy of David Moody's 'Hater' then you might just want to click Here...

If you're after more linky goodness then have a click Here...

Joe Sherry gives us a list of interesting looking releases for the Third quarter of 2009, another John Joseph Adams anthology is always a good thing! :o)

Tim Lebbon will be stopping here, as part of his ongoing blog tour, but in the meantime have a look at what he had to say over at Highlander's Book Reviews.

Neth has some stuff to say about Bookmarks and having this I'll probably end up posting something on this myself (later this week) :o) What do you use as a book mark?

Finally, Mark Chitty has a few things to say about the latest 'Wheel of Time' artwork. I know I haven't said anything, everyone else got there first! :o) It is awful though...

I'm off now to get myself another beer :o) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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