Saturday 11 April 2009

Giveaway! 'Foundling' & 'Lamplighter' (D.M. Cornish)

I really enjoyed D.M Cornish's 'Foundling' and it's sequel, 'Lamplighter', is hovering very near the top of the 'reading pile' so you can expect a review very soon...

What better way to kick off the Easter Weekend, on the blog, than to give away copies of both books...? :o)

Thanks to Random House and Penguin Books I have six 'Foundling'/'Lamplighter' packs to give away to readers from the US and the UK (it's a US and UK only competition I'm afraid, sorry everyone else...) If you fancy your chances then read on...

Entering is as easy as ever, all you need to do is drop me an email (address in the top right hand corner of the screen) telling me who you are and what your mailing address is. Feel free to leave comments next to the post but these will not count as entries...

I'll be letting this one run until the 19th of April and I'll announce the winners on the 20th.

Good Luck!


  1. sounds like a wonderful giveaway thanks

  2. enjoy reading fantasy yoiu can leave the ills of ghe real world for a while

  3. I tried to send you an email to enter but it says that your mailbox is full, so there is no way that is left to enter for these books:(

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  4. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for letting me know! I'm not sure how my mailbox can be full but I'll delete a few emails when I get home. If it still doesn't work, try emailing graemesfantasybookreview[nospam] (removing the no spam bit of course!)

    Keep trying !

  5. Great giveaway! Please enter me.


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