Friday 17 April 2009

Competition Update...

I've just seen a comment (next to the 'Lamplighter'/'Foundling' competition post) saying that my mailbox is full and emails aren't getting through. Not sure what is going on here (as I've had an email come through this morning...) but I don't want you guys to miss out on the 'Lamplighter'/'Foundling' competition (US and UK only) as well as the 'Shadow of the Scorpion' and 'Born Queen' competitions (both UK only) so here's what I'm going to do...

I've got another email address that you can use (just this once while I'm working out what's wrong with the gmail account) and this is graemesfantasybookreview[nospam] . Remember to get rid of the 'nospam' bit first though!

Thinking about it, I've got a couple of competitions coming up over the weekend so use this email address for those as well if the gmail account still isn't working for you...

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