Sunday 5 April 2009

Can anyone help me out?

Here's the thing... I read Matthew Stover's 'Caine Black Knife' last year and absolutely loved it. Once I'd finished it I knew that I had to read the other two books in the series and that's where things have started to get a little interesting...

Del Rey very kindly sent me a copy of 'Heroes Die' and I've decided not to start it until I can get my hands on a copy of the sequel 'Blade of Tyshalle'. Here's the thing though, it appears to be out of print and the only copies I can find are selling for upwards of £30, I want the book but I don't want it that badly!

Here's where you come in (hopefully)...

Do any of you guys know where I can pick up a cheap copy of 'Blade of Tyshalle'? Have any of you guys got a spare copy of 'Blade of Tyshalle' that you can't even remember why you bought it let alone still want it? If you answered yes to the second question I may not be able to offer you money but could probably work out some kind of trade...

Send me emails and leave comments!

Cheers guys :o)


  1. wow - I figured this was a joke. I have a copy, and I'm *fairly* sure I'd seen one this past Thurs on a book run. If you don't get one to be sent to you in a few days, drop me a note at ashenphoenix at livejournal dot com. Meanwhile, I'll check a few local spots and see if I can get you yor very own copy for $4USD

  2. checked my various sources around the Internet and was surprised at how expensive this has become. Will also check a couple of the local used book stores.

  3. I know how sought-after this one is, so I always keep an eye open at Half Price Books. I haven't seen one since last year, but I'm still looking...

  4. Hmm...last time I checked my used bookstore had a copy. I'll check again this week.

  5. Joe - I hadn't thought of that but the answer is 'no' I'm afraid...

    Thanks everyone else! I will probably be in touch very soon... :o)

  6. Took me ages to find this one. Eventually had to get an ex-library copy through Ebay...


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