Tuesday 7 April 2009

Angry Robot News!

I mean news from the new SFF imprint, not news of angry robots throwing off the shackles of human dominance and going on a mad rampage (that's news for another blog...)

What do you want first, the 'competition news' or the 'new authors for the imprint news'? Ok, competition news it is! :o)

See the angry looking robot in the logo? Do you know what he's called? No-one does, he doesn't have a name yet... He (she?) could do though as Angry Robot are running a competition where you guys get to come up with a name for said robot. Not only does the winner get all seven of Angry Robot's launch titles but the site where they came from gets a cool 'mystery prize' as well...
Here's the link to the competition, you know what to do next...

And here's the new author news (from the press release)...

Award-winning US author J ROBERT KING has been snapped up for two novels brimming with wild creativity and extraordinary ideas. He calls his books “metaphysical suspense” – don’t worry, that just means they blow your imagination apart while at the same time freezing your blood.
Rob’s debut for Angry Robot, the fabulously named THE ANGEL OF DEATH, does exactly that. The Grim Reaper becomes strangely fascinated with a human cop investigating the deaths caused by a serial killer that Death has been following. But Death is a killer too, of course, and is not above the law. It’ll be published in the UK, US and Australia in September 2009, as a mass-market paperback.
This will be followed early next year by DEATH’S DISCIPLES. The sole survivor of a terrorist attack on a plane starts to hear the voices of the dead passengers. But what they’re telling her is far worse than what she’s suffered already.
King’s recent Sherlock Holmes novel for Tor, The Shadow of Reichenbach Falls, attracted a mass of critical attention, as did his Mad Merlin trilogy for the same publisher. And he can ride a unicycle, though maybe not while typing...

From the UK, meanwhile, we’re delighted and just a little scared to welcome ANDY REMIC to our ravening horde. His reputation as the hard man of British SF is well-deserved. Now he’s taking the tough guy stylings of Quake, Spiral and his recent Combat-K novels into fantasy, for a brand new trilogy that sees him, in one mighty bound, become the natural successor to the much-missed David Gemmell.
KELL’S LEGEND, due September 2009 in mass-market paperback, introduces Kell, grizzled
veteran warrior much at odds with a civilised world where humanity has become soft. When a new foe arises to threaten the city of Jalder, only Kell remembers that to live, you have to fight, and fight dirty. But how can one man hold off against the Vachine, the terrifying clockwork vampires of legend?

I don't know about 'The Angel of Death' but 'Kell's Legend' sounds like it could be my kind of thing...

1 comment:

  1. Mwuahaha! I've just entered. Thought about posting my idea for a name, but why give my competitors ideas, right? ;)


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