Sunday 8 March 2009

The 'Oh The Agony...' Link-Up Bonanza!

You're not getting anything from me today I'm afraid, I spent most of this afternoon at the gym and now all my bits ache... :o(
What you do get though are links to all the great stuff that has been happening in other people's blogs over the last week or so, hopefully this will suffice ;o)

Tia has a Debut Graduate Review from Adrian Phoenix...

Ken has a Warm and Fuzzy Moment, I always wondered what happened to Calvin and Hobbes...

James has (what I think is) the first review of Nights of Villjamur, it might take me a while to get round to it but now I'm looking forward to this book more than ever!

Larry gives us a look at what he's been reading over the last week.

Robert tells us what graphic novels we should be looking out for in March...

Aidan points us in the direction of some Free Reading.

The Book Smugglers have seen 'Watchmen' and tell us what they think.

Adam also saw 'Watchmen' as well as posting a review of Joe Abercrombie's 'Best Served Cold'. He liked both of them.

Finally, Mark as a review of Dan Abnett's 'Doctor Who: The Story of Martha'...

What have I been reading? A little bit of Manga, a little bit of 'Dragonfly Falling'. Look for reviews of these in the next week...

Hope you all had a good weekend!

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