Monday 16 March 2009

'Nights of Villjamur' & 'The City and The City' - Winners!

Thanks to everyone who emailed in to enter these competitions. In an ideal world I would have been able to give books to everyone but this isn't an ideal world I'm afraid... :o( There could only be four winners and they were...

Nights of Villjamur

Angela MacRae, Inverness, Scotland
Simon Ward, London, UK
Chris Rands, Chester, UK

The City and The City

Gillian Coyle, Leeds, UK

Well done guys, your books are on their way! Better luck next time everyone else... ;o)


  1. Yeah, thanks for that you've made me a very happy girl.
    Looking forward to the postman coming!

  2. Cheers for that, I'm really chuffed to have won one of the proofs, I can't wait to read it :)

  3. Excellent - Thanks Graeme!
    Just come back from a week away to find I've won a copy of Nights of Villjamur. Just got to finish Last Argument Of Kings first then I can get stuck into this...


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