Tuesday 17 February 2009

Jasper Kent's 'Twelve' - Videos and a reminder for me...

Jasper Kent (author of 'Twelve') has posted two videos about the book on Youtube.
Here's the video version of the Flash introduction to his website...

And here's a video of Jasper talking about the book itself,

If you haven't read the book already, here's the blurb from Amazon...

On 12th June 1812, Napoleon's massive grande armee forded the River Niemen and so crossed the Rubicon - its invasion of Russia had begun. In the face of superior numbers and tactics, the imperial Russian army began its retreat. But a handful of Russian officers - veterans of Borodino - are charged with trying to slow the enemy's inexorable march on Moscow. Indeed, one of their number has already set the wheels of resistance in motion, having summoned the help of a band of mercenaries from the outermost fringes of Christian Europe.Comparing them to the once-feared Russian secret police - the Oprichniki - the name sticks. As rumours of plague travelling west from the Black Sea reach the Russians, the Oprichniki - but twelve in number - arrive. Preferring to work alone, and at night, the twelve prove brutally, shockingly effective against the French. But one amongst the Russians, Aleksei Ivanovich Danilov, is unnerved by the Oprichniki's ruthlessness...as he comes to understand the true, horrific nature of these strangers, he wonders at the nightmare they've unleashed in their midst...Full of authentic historical detail and heart-stopping supernatural moments, and boasting a page-turning narrative, "Twelve" is storytelling at its most original and exciting.

Thanks to Liz for sending me the links! This book has been sat on the pile for a little too long now, I'll be bumping this one up and reading it in the next week or so...

1 comment:

  1. I watched the videos before.
    The blurb is promising and there are 4 more books to come.

    In case you are interested in the Oprichniki please look at: Oprichnik


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