Sunday 15 February 2009

Giveaway! Abaddon Books...

I loved Jonathan Green's 'Human Nature' and (wanting to share the love) got in touch with Abaddon Books to see if they wanted to help out with a giveaway to mark the release of the book. I have to say that they have definitely come up with the goods, offering up the following titles (links are to my reviews)...

'Human Nature' - Jonathan Green

'Leviathan Rising' - Jonathan Green

'El Sombra' - Al Ewing

'Kill or Cure' - Rebecca Levene

Now, how do you fancy winning all four of these books in an 'Abaddon Pack' of pulp fiction goodness? If you do then simply drop me an email telling me who you are and your mailing address, I'll pick the winner ;o)

This competition was originally just for UK and Europe only but now I'm opening it up worldwide so anyone can enter, I'll let it run until the 22nd of February and announce the winners on the 23rd...

Good Luck!


  1. Graeme, I really appreciate your giveaways. But this time I won't take part. It doesn't make sense for me because I own HUMAN NATURE, EL SOMBRA ( I read it) and LEVIATHAN RISING ( I read it).

    In case you don't know these books so far, take part. In case you win you get some entertaining books. Don't expect philosophical thoughts!!

    Abaddon Books has a lot of interesting stuff.

    There is also a blog related to the PAX BRITANNIA series: PAX BRITANNIA

  2. Woot woot Thank you Graeme for giving us this golden opportunity

    kudos to you ^__^



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