Tuesday 10 February 2009

David Moody's 'Hater' - New Video Trailer

Not only is 'Hater' a book that I've been hearing good things about but it's a book that sounds like just my kind of thing! The hunt for a copy to review is on... :o)

In the meantime, I've been sent the link to the youtube trailer for 'Hater' and I thought it would be cool to share! Here it is in all it's glory...

The Amazon blurb for Hater goes like this...

REMAIN CALM DO NOT PANIC TAKE SHELTER WAIT FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL Society is rocked by a sudden increase in the number of violent assaults on individuals. Christened 'Haters' by the media, the attackers strike without warning. The assaults are brutal, remorseless and extreme: within seconds, normally rational, self-controlled people are becoming maddened, vicious killers. There are no apparent links as a hundred random attacks become a thousand, and then thousands, right across the country. Everyone, irrespective of gender, age, race, sexuality or any other difference, has the potential to become a victim - or a Hater. People are afraid to go to work, afraid to leave their homes and, increasingly, afraid that at any moment their friends, even their closest family, could turn on them with murderous intent. By the end of today you could be dead. By the end of today you could be a killer. Attack first, ask questions later . . . but the answer might not be what you expect . . .

Sounds good to me! Like I said, the hunt for a review copy starts now... :o)


  1. How about the hunt for some giveaway copies? huh? huh?

  2. If enough people fancy their luck, I'll see what I can do... ;o)

  3. my luck with these has been pretty poor, hence my request. i think if i enter more and more i will increase my odds. probably doesn't really work, but here's to wishing.


  4. It was cool being involved with it, I was also sent the link, and I'm definitely keeping mine eyes open for a copy! :-)


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