Thursday 1 January 2009

The Slightly Slimmer 'Happy New Year' Post!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2009 brings you everything that you want ;o)

You got the 'Big Fat Post' yesterday and seeing as the year is only a few hours old today's post will be a little shorter! ;o) There's lots to look forward to this year (for SFF fans) and my plan is to tell you all what I think about it right here. George R.R. Martin's 'A Dance with Dragons' is one to look forward to (I'm going to think positive and believe that it will be out this year) as is Rothfuss' 'The Wise Man's Fear'. Lynch's 'The Republic of Thieves', Joe Abercrombie's 'Best Served Cold' and R. Scott Bakker's 'The Judging Eye'. Will I be looking back, at the end of the year, all red faced that certain of these titles never made it onto the shelves? We'll have to wait and see...

Like I said, the plan is to be a voracious reader and share all my thoughts with you right here. One of my New Year's resolutions is to go back and re-read some of the older titles, on my book shelves, so keep an eye out for these. I'm also trying to get round to finishing some of the larger hardbacks from 2008 so we'll have to see how that goes...

In the meantime, what's coming up in January? I've got a couple of interviews outstanding that I'm going to chase up as well as some Christmas DVDs that I haven't watched yet. As far as reading goes, I've just finished 'Ender's Game' and will be posting a review tomorrow. I'm also going to be reading a few titles from David Gemmell's back catalogue seeing as the David Gemmell awards are now open for voting (which reminds me, I still need to vote...) After that, well... you'll have to wait and see :o)
I'm also working on a few competitions that will pop up when you least expect them, keep an eye out...

Have a great day!


  1. Ahh the ever elusive A Dance with Dragons. You are indeed an optimist.

  2. You've got to be optimistic about these things! ;o)

  3. I'm starting to think Dance is a fantasy itself. Either his web of characters is so hopelessly intertwined that he can't untangle them all or he's too busy watching football at comicon while playing with minatures while on the phone with HBO and booking a trip to Europe on his laptop while eating pizza.

    Ah well all good things...


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