Saturday 10 January 2009

Multi-Author Signing Event! (Or, I'm going to spend far more money than I have and get myself into trouble...)

Just had this press release emailed to me this morning. I'm definitely going to be there and, if you're about in London on the 22nd of January, it would be great if you were too...

Nine Authors - One Massive Event
Thursday 22, January, 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Forbidden Planet London Megastore,
179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR

Come and discover a whole NEW kind of signing! At 5:00pm on January
22nd, Forbidden Planet 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London will be playing
host to: -

Joe Abercrombie
Alex Bell
Mark Chadbourn
David Devereux
Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Tom Lloyd
Suzanne McLeod
Steven Savile
James Swallow

To celebrate the release of David’s new book EAGLE RISING, we welcome a host of science fiction and fantasy talent to one event – an event to bring writers and fans together and to promote interest in new and different kinds of fiction.

This is a NEW kind of signing, bringing the authors out from behind
their tables and giving their readers a chance to meet them and talk to them about their work. An array of fantastic books will be on hand to be picked up and signed – including works by every one of the writers present.


  1. Now wishing that I lived in London... or that it was on a Saturday.


  2. No business travel to London at this date.
    On 22nd I will be in Helsinki.

    So no opportunity to take part.

  3. Sounds like a mini-SF&F convention at a bookstore. Be sure to let us know how it goes and take pictures too for those of us across the pond.

  4. I hadn't thought about taking pictures... I'll see what I can come up with :o)

  5. Starting to look a bit more likely I'll be there :-)


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