Saturday 24 January 2009

The 'I got my picture taken with Robert Rankin!' Link up bonanza...

Others have already blogged about the Gollancz multi author signing event (and a lot better than I could...) so I shall take up the role of giggling fan boy and gush about how I got my picture taken with the amazing Robert Rankin (who is just great). He insisted on me doing 'rabbit ears' behind his head (it must be a tradition, or ancient charter or something)

It wasn't just all about Robert though, David Devereux (whose book was being launched) did some sterling work signing books and posing for photos with Mark Chadbourn...

I'm off out in a moment so here's a few links to keep you going ;o)

The Book Swede reviews an Angela Carter Short Story...

Gav has a Dragonfly Falling Promo happening at his blog. I've been looking forward to this book and hope to pick it up soon...

Larry draws our attention to the Finalists for the BSFA Awards.

Thrinidir reviews Robert Silverberg's Son of Man.

SQT has an amazing giveaway where you get to Pick What You Win.

Finally, Ken shows us a rather amazing looking Trailer for the upcoming 'Coraline' film. I quite fancy seeing that :o)

Not many links today I'm afraid but all the links on my blogroll are full of goodness, check them out!

Have a great weekend!


  1. I used to read a lot of Rankin, don't know why I stopped really, anyway, very cool.

  2. Thanks for the photos Graeme!

  3. I so wanted to go :(

    Thanks for the link-back.

    My TBR pile is shuffling more than a deck of cards in a Vegas Casino!!! This is going to be a packed year.

  4. I'm seeking out all those sneaky post-event blog posts!! Was great to meet you, very exciting to be able to host such an event.

    Very cool pic too :)


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